
Romantic haircut for refined natures: the Carre on a leg

Haircut “kare on a leg” should be considered by older beauties, who love the volume and do not like to stand long with a hair dryer and comb in front of the mirror. Right now we are going to look at the most different variations of this feminine and elegant short haircut.

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The name of the haircut “square on the leg” did not just happen, just look closely at this haircut in the back of the head, and you will see a slightly elongated section of hair of short length, smoothly passing into a beautiful and voluminous crown.

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Stylish haircut “braids on a leg” is versatile enough, suitable for both light and dark hair of varying thickness. For more “wow” effect hairdressers advise to complement the ultra-modern haircut complex coloring with light highlights.

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