
What you will look like in your old age


3. Deformational.

This type is most often found in owners of oily and combination skin types.

From the aesthetic side, the deformational type is the least favorable. It can be recognized by a second chin, an indistinct oval, noticeable swelling, and swollen upper eyelids.

On the plus side, wrinkles appear late and are usually almost invisible.

4. Muscular.

The owners of this type are real lucky women. The skin stays firm for a long time, keeps its tone, there are almost no wrinkles, and the facial oval rarely deforms. Perfect! However, the muscular type is rare among Slavic women, it is more characteristic of the inhabitants of Asia.

Problems that occur in the muscular type of aging: drooping corners of the mouth, pigmentation, overhanging eyelids, caterpillar feet, creases. The danger is that all these imperfections appear very quickly, literally within one or two years.

Usually a person shows signs of several types of aging at once, but it is always possible to identify the one that dominates.

Once you know your type of aging, you can choose the care and treatments that will help delay the signs of aging.


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