What do you know about fruit Clementine

-This winter fruit, a cross between mandarin and orange, is full of health benefits you do not know

Clementine is first excellent for bones and more generally interesting because of its many minerals and trace elements including copper and potassium, but also its vitamins B1, B3, B6, B9 and C.Be aware that its many fibers are found mainly in the skin and in the white membrane around the flesh.

By margouillat photo / shutterstock.com


Clementine would also be anti-cancer and help fight against cardiovascular disease. Indeed in vitro, its flavonoids have shown their ability to stop the proliferation of certain cancer cells. However, the quantity needed to obtain such a result is still unknown.

-How to choose clementines?
When choosing your clementines select the firmest.

-How to keep clementines?
you can keep your clementines one week at room temperature and three weeks in the refrigerator.

-How to consume clementines?
As for consumption patterns, you can eat them as is or drink the juice. It can replace the orange juice for a few weeks. Fresh, it will clean the digestive tract and will be easily digested by the body.
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