
If your hair is thin or weakened, it needs to be strengthened

Strengthening fine, weakened hair

Thin and weakened hair is a common problem, but only in some cases can it be explained by genetics and natural traits. Care mistakes and other factors that can be influenced are often to blame. The experts of “Clean Line” will tell you about the causes of poor hair condition and effective strengthening of thin and weakened locks at home.


Causes of thinning hair on the head

Weakened hair can look dull and damaged, they often lack a healthy shine, density along the length and root volume. Some of the main causes of this condition include:


If you do not like to wear headgear during the winter – it can affect the condition of the hair. The cold provokes spasm of the small vessels on the scalp, and disrupts the nutrition of the hair follicles. As a result, hair becomes thinner and brittle.

Hormonal imbalance

After childbirth or during menopause, the hormonal background becomes unstable, and changes within the body can be reflected in the condition of the hair.

Iron deficiency

A deficiency of this element makes the hair thinner, increases brittle nails, reduces appetite and provokes sleepiness. If you remove the lack of iron, the hair will gradually return to its previous state.


Strong negative emotions and a state of anxiety can increase hair loss, making it weaker and thinner. As a rule, such changes are not immediately noticeable, but 2-5 months after the stressful situation.

Aggressive procedures

Perming, coloring or bleaching worsen the condition of hair, making it more vulnerable. That’s why you need to choose an experienced hairdresser, use quality materials during the procedure and special care afterwards.


Some medications for cardiovascular diseases and oral contraceptives provoke hair loss, making them thin.
Skin diseases

Seborrhea or dermatitis on the scalp can affect hair follicles, resulting in hair loss of volume and vitality, looking weakened.

Improper care

Neglecting a conditioner in your daily hair care routine causes the hair scales to “cling” during combing and styling. The hair is damaged and becomes thin.

Shampoos for thin hair

Weakened curls require regular and comprehensive care. Quality shampoo should gently remove dust, styling product residue and sebum. A caring ingredients in the composition – to moisturize, nourish and promote recovery. During washing you should not use hot water: it overdries strands, worsens the condition of the scalp and hair length.

Balms to make hair thicker

Contrary to the opinion that balms weigh down the hair, you should not neglect the use of a balm for thin and very weakened hair. Special balms are essential for strengthening, moisturizing and nourishing. They contain caring components in their composition, which contribute to recovery processes and improve the appearance, prevent the appearance of dryness and breakage on the length, make curls more dense and shiny. Regular use of the balm helps to prevent hair thinning. To protect your locks from negative factors and to keep the volume, apply the product to the length of the hair, leaving about 4-5 cm from the roots.

How to care for your hair

Comprehensive care will improve the condition of fine hair, making it more dense and healthy. The experts “Clean Line” advise to adhere to a few simple rules:

1. Massage your head lightly on a regular basis. The skin at the root zone can be massaged with fingertips or a special brush. Such a procedure does not require much time, significantly improves local circulation and promotes nutrition of the hair follicles.

2. Always dry your hair after washing and do not go to bed with a wet head. Fine hair is prone to tangles: in order not to traumatize them, it is important to dry and comb the strands before going to bed (you can braid them lightly if you have long hair).

3. Clean your scalp properly. Natural sebum can put a lot of weight behind fine hair at the roots. To avoid this, choose shampoos with natural ingredients in the composition, which rinse the hair roots well and normalize the oiliness of the scalp.

4. Be careful with towels. Don’t wrap the towel tightly around your head after every wash: it puts pressure on the roots and can increase breakage. After cleansing, lightly towel dry your hair and then blow-dry or blow-dry naturally.

5. Add volume at the roots while drying. If you have long locks it is a good idea to tilt the head down and blow-dry it in this position. This can add volume to hair at the roots even without the use of special styling products.

Thin and weakened hair requires special care. You can improve the condition of your hair at home thanks to simple rules and effective care products. Proper care will make hair stronger and thicker, give shine and necessary volume at the roots, provide hydration, nutrition and restoration along the length.


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