Three ways to use onion to cure colds

Onion, the ideal ally for fighting colds!
Far from being a simple vegetable, onion is endowed with natural properties particularly valuable to prevent and relieve colds.

De Rido /


Eat onion soup

Not only does this soup help relieve colds, but it also cheers up, we can enjoy a delicious and effective dish to thin the mucus. Chop 7 large onions and melt in a pan with butter. Add 2 cloves of garlic and 2 tbsp. flour. As soon as the flour is colored, add 1 liter of hot broth, then simmer for about 15 minutes. You can embellish it all with a little laurel branch for the taste. As an accompaniment, you can have a few slices of bread in the oven, on which you have previously added 50 g of grated cheese. Fry for a few minutes before serving with the onion soup.

De Amero /

 A homemade onion syrup
This preparation will allow you to enjoy a natural syrup against colds and coughs. Take a slice of onion that you cover with a layer of honey. Let it soak for a few hours, before crushing everything in milk or water. After filtering, you can take 1 tbsp. this mixture up to 4 times a day. Too much consumption can cause gastric irritation.

 For the night:

an onion at his bedside
Cut a raw onion in half and place the two halves on your bedside table before sleeping. During the night, the action of the onion on the respiratory system should effectively relieve colds. Change onions each night.

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