
13 most fashionable spring short haircuts for ladies 40-50 years old 2022

Haircuts with a shave

In spring every lady thinks about changing her usual image. If you want a dramatic change, you should not limit yourself because of your age. Lady 40-50 years in this season should try a bold haircut with shaving.

Yes, it looks very eccentric, but just such a trick guarantees not only an updated image but also a fresh young image. In the spring of 2022, a bold undercut or less brutal pixie haircut with shaved temples and nape comes to the fore.



Trending in 2022 is the creative haircut Garson. The hairstyle belongs to the category of boyish haircuts but has an inexpressible charm and elegance.

Hairstyling does not require salon intervention, women perform it at home. There are a lot of styling options, so ladies can create every day the desired image: a bold and daring, or romantic and concise look.


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