Bathroom cleaners natural

The bathroom is the one room in my house, other than the kitchen, that I feel like
I’m constantly cleaning. It also happens to be one of my least favorite places to clean. There are a lot of different fixtures and surfaces to clean and disinfect, and it seems like I’ve no sooner scrubbed off a mildew stain than another one appears.
Here’s a cleaning checklist and a list of natural cleaning recipes to make your bathroom cleaning schedule a little less icky and a LOT healthier!

Weekly Bathroom Cleaning Checklist

  • Wipe down the sink and vanity.
  • Clean the mirror.
  • Clean the faucet and fixtures.
  • Disinfect the toilet.
  • Clean the toilet bowl.
  • Mop the floor.
  • Clean the tub and shower.
  • Empty the wastebasket.
  • Wipe the medicine cabinet and vanity cabinet doors.
  • As necessary, wipe down the shower curtain rings, descale the faucets and showerhead, disinfect the trash can, clean the light fixtures, wipe down the light switch plate, clean the tub and sink drains, and clean the grout.

All-Purpose Cleaning Spray


  • 3 cups water
  • ½ teaspoon washing soda
  • 1 teaspoon liquid castile soap
  • 5 drops of your favorite essential oil (optional)

Combine the ingredients in a spray bottle. I use this mixture to clean my sink, countertops, cabinets, tub, shower, toilet, and even my mirror sometimes. If you’d like to give it a little more disinfecting power, add 1 tablespoon of isopropyl alcohol.

Disinfecting Wipes


  • Several small-ish pieces of fabric (you could cut up an old sheet, blanket, t-shirt, or any other scrap fabric you have around) or washcloths
  • An old wipes container
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons castile soap
  • 1 tablespoon isopropyl alcohol
  • Essential oil of your choice (optional)

Mix the water, alcohol, castile soap, and essential oil in a measuring cup or drinking glass. Put your fabric scraps in the container. You can fold them, roll them up, or just shove them in. Pour the liquid solution over the wipes. Give the container a good shake. The wipes are ready to use. After you use each wipe, just toss in the laundry hamper, wash, and reuse!

Tub and Tile Cleaner


  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 2 cups water
  • 3 teaspoons castile soap
  • 1 tablespoon isopropyl alcohol

Combine all ingredients in a jar or spray bottle. Shake before each use. To use the solution, spray the surface, or apply solution to a cloth or sponge, and wipe away with a damp cloth.

Toilet Bowl Cleaner


  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 1 cup vinegar

Turn off the flow valve to your toilet. Flush a couple of times to make sure the water in the toilet bowl is totally drained.
Sprinkle the baking soda in the bowl, covering as much of the surface as possible. Pour the vinegar into the bowl, over the baking soda. You’ll remember from high school chemistry class that the baking soda and vinegar will create a chemical reaction. To me, this is lots of fun to watch, and I hope you enjoy as well!
Let the mixture sit for ten or fifteen minutes, then scrub the bowl with your toilet brush. Turn the flow valve back on and flush a couple of times.

Drain Cleaner


  • ½ cup baking soda
  • 1 cup vinegar

Pour the baking soda into drain, and then the vinegar. Let the mixture fizz and soak for twenty minutes to half and hour. Rinse with boiling water. If necessary, repeat, or let the mixture stay in the drain overnight.

Scouring Powder / Soap Scum Remover


  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 1 cup salt

Combine the baking soda and salt. Sprinkle the mixture on the area to be cleaned. Scrub with a wet brush, cloth, or sponge. Rinse or wipe away the mixture with a wet rag.

Scale Remover


  • Vinegar

For soap scum, calcium, or lime deposits on a fixture or showerhead, pour vinegar into a plastic bag (I use a ziplock bag or grocery bag) and place the bag over the fixture so that the fixture is immersed in the vinegar. Secure the bag onto the fixture with a rubber band. Leave overnight. In the morning, rinse thoroughly.
Another method is to soak a towel in vinegar and wrap the towel around the fixture. Let the towel sit overnight and rinse or wipe down in the morning.

Mold and Mildew Remover / Grout Cleaner


  • ½ cup baking soda
  • 1/8 cup hydrogen peroxide

Mix the baking soda and peroxide together to make a paste. Scrub the paste into the mold or mildew with a brush or sponge. Rinse with water or wipe down thoroughly with a wet rag.
This recipe also works really well as a grout cleaner (use a toothbrush to scrub). For really tough stains, let the paste sit for an hour before you rinse.

Glass Cleaner


  • ¼ cup vinegar
  • 3 cups warm water

Combine the vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray on glass or mirror and wipe clean with a dry, lint-free cloth.

Glass Cleaner Recipe No. 2


  • ½ teaspoon castile soap
  • ½ teaspoon isopropyl alcohol
  • 3 cups warm water

Combine the castile soap, alcohol, and water in a spray bottle. Spray-on glass or mirror and wipe with a dry, lint-free cloth.
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