
How to color your hair naturally at home

The trend is natural and hair coloring is no exception! Devoid of aggressive and toxic chemicals, the natural or plant color, preserves the health of the hair and scalp, while having the same hair result, or even better! Find in this article different recipes to dye your hair naturally.


By Oleg Gekman /


Why expose yourself to the toxic substances contained in chemical hair dyes, while it is possible to have very satisfactory results using natural alternatives!

Here are 7 ways to dye your hair naturally:

1 – The coffee:

Much more than a taste bud, coffee is an excellent natural dye. This ingredient has been used since the dawn of time to dye hair and get dark brown highlights. Only, for it to be effective, the coffee should be used on a base of brown or light brown hair.

How to proceed?
Make a cup of espresso coffee and let it cool. Then in a bowl, mix two teaspoons of coffee grounds and two cups of organic conditioner, then add the cup of coffee now cooled. Apply this preparation on your hair and leave on for one hour. Then wash your hair as usual.


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