
Natural Ways To Make Your Home Smell So Good


By FabrikaSimf /

This air freshener which can be easily made at your home does not involve high costs unlike house cleaning services, and also does not involve the use of harmful chemicals. Apart from serving the purpose of cleaning your house this concoction also leaves behind a pleasant smell which can be alluring.

  Ingredients required

  • Baking Soda, 1 tsp.
  • Fabric Softener, 3 tsp.
  • Spray Bottle, 1 unit
  • Water, 3 cups

  Steps for preparation

  • The first step that you need to take is to warm the three cups of water.
  • In the spray bottle pour the fabric softener and keep it aside.
  • Once the water is warm pour the warm water into the spray bottle and keep aside.
  • Put in adequate amounts of baking soda to the solution and shake vigorously to mix everything together.

 Steps for application

  • After having cleaned your home spray this solution around your house.
  • Make sure that you spray the solution on the corners and walls of the house for better results.

The reason that the fabric softener has been used is to nullify the effect of the bicarbonate and prevent your walls and curtains from getting ruined by it. This solution is completely harmless and a perfect way to make your house smell great.


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